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Antique Arcades

With our arcades all situated in the prime location of Portobello Road’s world famous antiques market, the Portobello Group can accommodate traders with any type of antique. Our arcades all consist of individual units within them for dealers to trade their goods from. We try to keep our Arcades fully occupied throughout the year to offer the public a good variety of dealers and stall holders.

Arcade Market Portobello Road

On occasion some of our units become vacant and we look to fill them with new antique dealers. We offer extremely competitive rates to prospective stall holders so if you are an antique dealer and are interested in trading within one of our arcades on Portobello road, please do not hesitate to contact us in regards to renting a unit on a monthly basis or to arrange a possible viewing (serious enquiries only please).

Prices do vary depending on the size of the units available (single unit, double unit, etc). Entire shop units are also available on occasion.

When starting with us on Portobello we require one month’s deposit. If and when you chose to finish trading, you just have to give us one month’s notice - we then keep the deposit, and you don’t pay any rent for the final month.

Tourist Attractions
Arcade Market Portobello Road
Outdoor Market Portobello Road
Places to Eat and Drink
Directions to Portobello Road
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